Dark Horse Comics is expanding its focus on producing new action figures and collectibles this year, and they’re showing off a wide array of products at Comic-Con. Dark Horse’s booth features current and upcoming statues based on popular franchises like Game of Thrones, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, Hellboy and The Umbrella Academy.

Check the slideshow below for new photos straight for the show floor.

Included in this lineup is Dark Horse’s new Tormund Giantsbane statue, which is being sold as a Comic-Con-exclusive. Other highlights include a statue depicting the Night King and his Ice Dragon, a Jon Snow mini-bust based on the episode “Battle of the Bastards,” a pair of super-deformed Dark Souls figures, a bathing Geralt statue and a truly amazing 6-inch, mixed-media Hellboy figure.

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Source: IGN Video Games All

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