When I saw that the Steam page for new free-to-play battle royale game Radical Heights said it was releasing in “X-Treme Early Access,” I took it as a silly play on its over-the-top ‘80s theme. It’s not. This game is extremely early, with the ‘e’ firmly present at the beginning of that word. The core shows a lot of potential, but with only five months of development, there are still tons of issues and even more work to be done.

Its launch has been plagued with reports of connection and performance issues that have largely tanked its Steam review average to under 50% positive with over 1,600 submitted at the time of this writing. I haven’t experienced any game breaking bugs (though I did get stuck in a door once) but Radical Heights is far from a polished experience. Simply put, it’s not done — but it’s also not pretending to be.

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Source: IGN

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